Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today I saw a rainbow. Right in front of my eyes. It has always been there, but today I saw it. I saw a rainbow, an illusion of beauty that only momentarily masks the darkness of the storm. It is beautiful and I am thankful. Somehow the rainbow makes the storm not only bearable, but almost desirable.

The space I just moved from was a rainbow. Beautiful for what it was. A few luminous moments that allowed me room to breathe in the chaos and darkness of the storm. This is a hard realization to come by. No one wants to admit that they spent time living in a dark, dysfunctional and counter-intuitive space. However once I move past failure, pride, and shame, there is only light, and there is only love.

I chose to live in the illusion of the rainbow when what actually existed was a very violent storm. I then realized one critical thing.... rain brings life to what is lacking in the earth. Therefore, Rain=Life. My storm also brought life on the wings of its tears to a soul that was extremely under nourished. I had been without for so long; I was drinking from anything that made me feel alive. Jealousy, Rage, Anger, Fear.....they gave me life. But that life came at such a high cost. You see, life and death are partners that walk hand in hand. They are easily interchangeable if boundaries are not held to distinguish between the two.

And so, instead of choosing to mourn the death of a period in my life that was nothing more than a momentary rainbow, I am choosing to celebrate the new life I have been blessed with. The clouds have begun to roll away and I am starting to feel the warmth of the sun on the light of my soul. It is feeding the seed. The sun is real, and I am thankful.

As with any new garden, the possibilities are limitless depending on what I choose to plant in my garden. It is impossible to grow pumpkins, if I don't plant pumpkin seeds. I have two beautiful seeds, my children, Sasha and Zehn. They are my life force and I will nurture the seeds within them. I will help them grow, and I will start by watering my soul.

I have been so lucky to be given a new garden, new soil, new wind, new sun, and new rain. I start today. I am planting seeds. They must be engineered to grow with love and light. That is the primary source of nourishment this garden will be fed. I will start with the seeds of peace...... watch carefully and patiently as they blossom into happiness and bliss. ..The Peace and Love of God are within me. I am so grateful........

Love & Light