Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dating Sites

I will admit it. I have been on a dating site…..2 to be exact. Not extremely proud of it, nor is it my opening line at a social gathering but I am not ashamed either. I feel inclined to share my thoughts about this experience. It was immediately obvious to me that dating sites are not a part of my life for what they were intended for, dating. They have however, provided me with a wide variety of comic relief and occasional ego stroking. But more often these sites leave me feeling as if I need to take a shower after reading the disrespectful albeit sometimes humorous comments. Mostly they leave me feeling empty and irritated.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not completely against dating sites. In fact, I am quite for them. It is the people who frequent them that I find a problem with. Of the hundreds of messages I received in the relatively short time I was a member, I was offended by roughly 50 % of them. I was bored by the other half and fell asleep with my face down on the keyboard. In fact, I only had 1 single message in 6 years that even remotely peaked my interest. Unfortunately, as a novice dating site member, I was not aware that this was a classic line……..

….. “I have already married and divorced you in my mind…..” although this appeared to be clever the first time I read it, the 20th message that declares I must return some “virtual belongings” to some creepy idiot that is filing an imaginary divorce decree is no longer clever or funny. In addition “hey girl, what’s up?!?” is not a good starter line. This gives me no information about you and leads me to no point intellectually where I even entertain the thought of attempting to have a conversation with you. We are not standing in line at McDonalds. I do not owe you a cordial response.

And lastly, if at any point in your um, “dating” career you think it might be a good idea to take a picture of yourself with your cell phone, standing in the mirror, wearing only your boxers and a rusty chain around your neck…… You are creepy, and I will teach my children to cross the street if they see you walking down the sidewalk! Stop the ride, I want to get off.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Journey Of A Million Notebooks

Now that I have a way to organize my thoughts and writing, I am going to take on a project of universal magnitude. I am digging out all my notebooks, some with pages so yellowed and damaged that the writing is barely visible. I have never thrown away a page of my writing in my life. Even the things I was not satisfied with. As a writer, I believe that what bleeds onto the paper is soul at it's purest form. It cannot be revised and it cannot be censored.

I am starting today to filter these precious memories into a place where I can share them with the world. The time is now and I am ready to go to a place of vulnerability and openness.

Here it comes world. I hope you are ready.